s. stein workbags
S.STEIN (aka STEIN SANTA FE) WORKBAG LINE was designed by Sherry Stein and made in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The utilitarian features and sturdy materials that would come to define her brand were inspired by bags from the early and mid 1900's -
Military messenger and medic's bags, leather and canvas mailbags, doctor's satchels, fishing creels and brick-layer's bags.
The updated 2007 materials - leather, waxed canvas and hefty nickel-silver hardware - were all sourced from US companies.
Growing from six to thirty-six styles over it's ten year history, the S.STEIN line expanded to include backpacks, work-skirts, aprons,
plus a 'special edition' picnic bag and blanket for Heath Ceramics, an inspired pottery and design company based in
Sausalito and San Francisco, CA.
In 2016, Heath created a new design studio, Heath Sews in their South Mission facility in San Francisco where a team began
crafting selected styles of the STEIN bags. They are now sold under the label HEATH + STEIN and can be found in the Heath stores at
these locations: Sausalito, 400 Gate 5 Rd; / San Francisco, The Ferry Building and 2900 18t Street / Los Angeles -7525 Beverly Blvd.
You can also fine the line on their website: www.heathceramics.com
Sherry teamed up with renowned fashion photographer Peter Ogilvie to create four major campaigns for S.STEIN.
With the help of stylists Char Vazquez and Lisa Neimeth, the campaigns were shot in Galisteo, Santa Fe, Marfa Texas and Peter's
photography studio in Santa Fe. This work was used to create the S.STEIN website, numerous print ads, plus a set of Blurb books
(designed by Sherry Stein). The following gallery are shots from those campaigns.
All photographs by Peter Ogilvie - SEE MORE AT WWW.OGILVIEPHOTOS.COM
(tap right side of photo to view gallery)